Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two surveys for the price of one!

I had my 28 week check up today, which went well. The best part of it was that Kaelyn decided that we didn't need to hear her heartbeat today. She worked really hard at trying to move away from the little machine and even kicked it several times. The nurse and I had a good laugh. We were able to hear the heartbeat (because lil Kaelyn can only go so far) and it sounded beautifully. A nice 145 bpm.

One thing I was definitely not crazy about was how much weight I gained this past month. Ugh! My doctor told me that this is completely normal to have a month where you spike really high (I did the same with Autumn as well). I just wasn't prepared for it. Like I stated before in my last blog post, I've been working at trying to not gain as much weight this time around. However, when I asked what my start weight was, I felt much better because I've only gained a total of 15 lbs so far. I looked back at one of my surveys and I had gained 24 lbs at about this time with Autumn. So a huge sigh of relief for me. Hehe.

Speaking of surveys, I thought it would be fun to compare surveys from now and back with Autumn. So my pregnancy with Kaelyn will be in bold and my pregnancy with Autumn won't. Enjoy!

How far along? 27 weeks and 6 days (28 weeks and 6 days)
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 15 lbs (Gained 24 lbs)
Maternity clothes? Definitely in the maternity pants and still trying to wear some of my old t-shirts. (I'd rather wear my lounge pants (that I made) with a sports bra and an oversized t-shirt... Ahhhh, sounds so much better than tight clothes!)
Stretch marks? My old ones are getting darker and I've noticed some new ones around my belly button (whose idea was it to get my belly button pierced?) (None (so far...))
Sleep: Ugh... Sleep is overrated. Especially now that I have to get up with Autumn in the morning. I don't get to sleep in til 10am like I did last pregnancy. LOL (Sleep? What's that?! Definitely tossing and turning or up and peeing... Take your pick!)
Best moment this week: Having Jordan feel Kaelyn's hiccups. He thought that was kinda funny. (Actually being woken up by her moving. I know it sounds crazy, but I kinda enjoyed it :-))
Movement: She moves, a lot! I'm beginning to think it was more than Autumn did. She's very active and isn't very shy. She's definitely let a lot of people feel her move. (Everyday, several times a day. She's a very active baby!)
Food cravings: Cool Ranch Doritos!!! (Pickles and Culver's Icecream (but not together... Ewww))
Gender: It's a girl!!! (It's a girl :-D)
Labor Signs: None... (None (yet...))
Belly Button in or out? Belly button is definitely an outie now. (Neither. It's more of an even-ny... LOL... I guess it depends on how I am sitting. But definitely more out than in sometimes.)
What I miss: Again... Sleeping on my stomach! (SLEEPING ON MY STOMACH!!!!!! :-/)
What I am looking forward to: I would have to say the same thing, being able to hold her in my arms and introduce her to Autumn and Jordan. However, I can wait (hehe). (Being able to hold her in my arms, kiss her little cheeks and see that beautiful face that Jordan and I created. Miracle of life is such a beautiful thing!)
Weekly Wisdom: Your house doesn't always have to be 100% clean. Anybody who has kids (recently or not) will understand that there are toys everywhere and food everywhere. If they don't, don't invite them over. Hehe (Make sure you don't sneeze on a full bladder....... :-/)
Milestones: I think it's funny how excited I was with Autumn that I was going to have a baby in 3 months. But now I'm going into panic mode, because I have nothing ready for this baby that's coming in 3 months!!! (I think just being less than 3 months away from my due date is a milestone.)
Realization of the week: SO MUCH TO DO IN 3 MONTHS!!! (I'm gonna have a baby in 3 months!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!)

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