Monday, January 31, 2011

Noah's Ark

I'm so glad I got Autumn her Little People Noah's Ark for Christmas. It's one of her favorite toys. She loves playing with the animals and especially "No-o" (Noah). Along with her mammals book, I've been teaching Autumn her animals. She knows all of them, but was a little confused during her video (hehe, getting close to nap time). I will apologize though, youtube doesn't have an option to rotate the video. So you have to watch it sideways. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please HELP!!! :-)

I would like to add that when Autumn and I watched this video together, she pointed to the panda right away on my phone.
Hehe, she's so silly!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bath Nights

I absolutely cannot get over how much Autumn loves to go down for a nap and bedtime. It makes me smile. Everytime I ask her if she wants to go "na-night", she gets super excited, yells "na-night" and will come up to me with her arms up! Now if she'd only sleep through the night ;-)

I'm starting to give Autumn a bath every night now. It helps keep the smell of her little bum down from her night time diaper. Last night I couldn't give her a bath because Jordan and I were gone at his work party. My mom ended up giving Autumn her bath instead. My mom mentioned that she told Autumn that it was time to take a bath. So, Autumn started walking towards the stairs that lead to the upstairs bathroom (she's so smart). However, my mom needed her pjs and a night time diaper, so she quickly ran downstairs to get them. Next thing she hears is Autumn at the top of the basement stairs yelling "AHHHH!!!". Apparently Autumn wasn't very happy that Grandma went downstairs instead of upstairs. Hehehehe. So my mom followed Autumn to the stairs going up to the bathroom and into the tub :-)

I love this girl!

Friday, January 28, 2011

First Haircut

I can't believe I'm typing this already, but yes, I gave Autumn her first haircut. Haha. It wasn't an "official" haircut, but enough to save some hair ;-) All I did was trim up the back. She was starting to lose her hair back there. It was getting really stringy and just didn't look nice. So, I figured, giving it a nice trim will allow it to grow out nicer and give her hair a thicker feel. It did just that and I'm so glad that I did it. Autumn was a trooper, we distracted her with some tv, and gave her my water bottle and a clean comb to play with. So, enjoy some pics (sorry for the quality, my nice camera is still not working).

Happy now that she has something to play with.

First cut!

"Whatcha doing mommy?"

All done!!!

PS ~ The pic I took of the back of her head didn't turn out. I will post it when I get another one.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flu Bug

It's official... Autumn got her first spout of the stomach flu last week. I felt so bad. She didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't horrible. I don't want to go into too much detail, but she recovered quickly. Started in the middle of the night and was chugging water before 11am. She was a trooper! Daddy got sick next and I only had a little bit of it. Which was great because keeping up with Autumn is hard enough healthy, let alone sick.

Autumn is still working on her molars. Three out of the 4 have now broken skin, so hopefully it's easier from here. I've been having to give her some meds at night to help her sleep, and tonight I decided to give her any to see how she does. She feel asleep without it! So far, so good :-)

Well, back to the flu. Haha. Since I ended up getting a little dehydrated (not much), but enough to knock down my milk supply a little bit... I decided to start weaning Autumn. It's a little bit harder, for me, than I thought it would be. Autumn is amazing! So right now, she only nursing at night, before she goes to bed. I took away her morning nursing (right when she wakes up) about a month ago. After I got the flu, I decided to take away her afternoon nap nursing (right before she goes down for a nap). The afternoon nap was harder for me to take away. I almost cried. But I reminded myself that I am about to achieve my goal. My goal was to nurse Autumn til she was 18 months old. She's only 16 months old now, but by the time I take away her bedtime nursing, she'll be 18 months. I absolutely loved my bonding time with Autumn. It's amazing! I've also been able to keep her so healthy for so long. I will say this, it's definitely getting easier for me to give her a bottle in the afternoon. It's not the same, but I thank God for all the wonderful months of nursing that He has given me with Autumn.

Ok, I won't lie... American Idol is on. I'll update more later ;-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Horrible Blogger

I will admit, I was a horrible blogger last month! Autumn's been switching over to a one nap schedule and not to mention that I was double and triple booked with clients up until Christmas. It's nice to finally sit down and do nothing while Autumn's napping :-)

Christmas was absolutely wonderful this year! Autumn really got into opening her gifts and appreciating what she got. We even got her to say "thank you" several times. I think everything was laid out perfectly before us at every event. Even though Autumn napped in the car several times. But I really enjoyed how excited she was to play with her new toy, then she'd get bored of it, but just in time to open her next gift. Then after all the gifts were opened, she'd go back to gift number one and start all over again. It was hilarious!!! Just like her birthday, she got a nice combination of clothes and toys... Keep it up family!!

Just before Christmas Autumn had her 15 month appointment. Of course, she did really well and didn't surprise her pediatrician how advanced she is in everything. Autumn weighed 21 lbs 12 oz and is 32 1/4 inches long (so tall)!!! Her head circumference is, and always has been, in the 95th percentile. It's because she has all those brains that make her so smart. LOL. She was not a fan of the 5 shots she ended up getting. I felt so bad. She almost passed out because she wasn't breathing. I kept blowing and blowing in her face and she wasn't taking a breath. Finally I got right in her eyes and blew with all my might and she finally inhaled! Oh man, poor thing. I feel so bad, but it's for the better....

According to the pediatrician, Autumn should be saying around 4 - 6 words right now. I didn't realize how many words she actually knows and says until I sat down and thought about it. She says ma-ma/mommy, da-da/daddy, ba-ba (grandpa), na-na (grandma), dog, kitty, love you, thank you, baby, bear... (I know there's more, and I'll add them as I remember them)... not to mention all the animal sounds that she knows too. She knows the sounds for dog, cat, cow, horse, pig, sheep, and elephant. She even recognizes every animal from her Noah's Ark collection I got her. I will set all the animals in front of her and ask her to find this animal or this animal and she will. She may pick up another animal first, look it over, put it down and then show me the actual animal in the end. I love watching her brain at work!

We're still working on the baby sign language and she's getting better everyday! She'll even show me signs that I didn't even know she knew. I'm really working on having her say "please" whenever she can and now I almost done have to ask anymore. I especially like her signing at dinner when she's "all done". I really helps me determine if she's really done or just playing with her food before she eats it.

I'm also noticing that her frustration is starting to show through. She's be working at stacking something or putting shapes into a specific hole. If it doesn't work at first, she'll throw it down. However, I've noticed that she'll sit and look at it for a minute, then try again! She's such an observer! Ever since she was born. She likes to analyze things and issues, especially people, before she either approves or moves forward. I hope she carries this throughout the rest of her life. Maybe she'll learn to think before she speaks or acts (not if she's my daughter, HAHA).

I have a few other stories I want to share, but I'm gonna save that for another post. This one is already getting too long. My goal for this year is to update my blog, twice a week. I'm hopefully taking my camera in next week to get it looked at. That way I can update with more pictures. For now, I have to steal my sister's camera in order to get the pictures she took from Christmas... I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!